How To: Set up IEEE Standard Precompiled Libraries
DSim comes with the VHDL IEEE-1987, IEEE-1993, and IEEE-2008 standard libraries precompiled.
The following are the packages in the precompiled VHDL IEEE-1987 standard library:
- numeric_bit
- numeric_std
- std_logic_1164
- vital_primitives
- vital_timing
The following are the packages in the precompiled VHDL IEEE-1993 standard library:
- math_complex
- math_real
- numeric_bit
- numeric_std
- std_logic_1164
- std_logic_arith
- std_logic_misc
- std_logic_signed
- std_logic_textio
- std_logic_unsigned
- vital_memory
- vital_primitives
- vital_timing
The following are the packages in the precompiled VHDL IEEE-2008 standard library:
- fixed_float_types
- fixed_generic_pkg
- fixed_pkg
- float_generic_pkg
- float_pkg
- ieee_bit_context
- ieee_std_context
- math_complex
- math_real
- numeric_bit
- numeric_bit_unsigned
- numeric_std
- numeric_std_unsigned
- std_logic_1164
- std_logic_arith
- std_logic_signed
- std_logic_textio
- std_logic_unsigned
- vital_memory
- vital_primitives
- vital_timing
By default, the precompiled VHDL IEEE-1993 standard library is mapped to your local project. To change the version of the IEEE library, and hence the version of VHDL used by your design, go to the appropriate section for your tool.
DSim Studio
To change the version of the IEEE library mapped to your project:
1. Under LIBRARIES, right-click the library $STD_LIBS\ieee93 and click Remove Library Search Path.
2. Hover to the right of LIBRARIES and click the +
sign to Add Library Search Path.
3. Enter one of the following in the Search Path and click Save:
for the IEEE-2008 library$STD_LIBS\ieee93
for the IEEE-1993 library$STD_LIBS\ieee87
for the IEEE-1987 library
4. The library you entered now appears under LIBRARIES. For example, $STD_LIBS\ieee08.
5. Repeat the procedure if you want to switch the IEEE library.
6. When you compile a VHDL file, DSim will interpret it as VHDL-1993 by default, using whatever version of the IEEE library you've mapped. In order to interpret the file as a different version of VHDL, add the appropriate option to the file's configuration:
for VHDL-2008-vhdl93
for VHDL-1993-vhdl87
for VHDL-1987
To change the version of the IEEE library mapped to your project:
1. In a terminal, enter one of the following commands from where DSim will be invoked:
DSim Studio shell or Windows PowerShell
dlib map -lib ieee $Env:STD_LIBS/ieee08
for the IEEE-2008 librarydlib map -lib ieee $Env:STD_LIBS/ieee93
for the IEEE-1993 librarydlib map -lib ieee $Env:STD_LIBS/ieee87
for the IEEE-1987 library
Linuxs Bash shell
dlib map -lib ieee ${STD_LIBS}/ieee08
for the IEEE-2008 librarydlib map -lib ieee ${STD_LIBS}/ieee93
for the IEEE-1993 librarydlib map -lib ieee ${STD_LIBS}/ieee87
for the IEEE-1987 library
2. If you get a message about a library already existing, or an error about not being able to map a library, remove the mapping first, then enter one of the above commands again. Eg. for the library ieee
, enter:
dlib rm -lib ieee
3. Check that the correct library is mapped by entering:
dlib ls
4. Repeat the procedure if you want to switch the IEEE library.
5. When you compile a VHDL file, DSim will interpret it as VHDL-1993 by default, using whatever version of the IEEE library you've mapped. In order to interpret the file as a different version of VHDL, add the appropriate option to your dvhcom
for VHDL-2008-vhdl93
for VHDL-1993-vhdl87
for VHDL-1987
DSim Cloud
The version of the IEEE library mapped to your project is set by the version field entry in your mdc_config.yml:
- name: ieee version: "93"
To change the version of the IEEE library mapped to your project:
1. Change the version field of the entry to one of the following and save mdc_config.yml:
for the IEEE-2008 library93
for the IEEE-1993 library87
for the IEEE-1987 library
For example:
- name: ieee version: "08"
To see how to change your mdc_config.yml, see DSim Cloud Configuration.
2. When you compile a VHDL file, DSim will interpret it as VHDL-1993 by default, using whatever version of the IEEE library you've mapped. In order to interpret the file as a different version of VHDL, add the appropriate option to your dvhcom
for VHDL-2008-vhdl93
for VHDL-1993-vhdl87
for VHDL-1987
To see the components inside the mapped IEEE library, enter this command in a terminal:
dlib -a 'ls -lib ieee'
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